Wednesday 30 March 2022

Tuesday 29th March 2022

I am minded each morning that I am on holiday in an ever-decreasing number of days. And now that I have the paperwork under control, I have stopped fretting. THere really should be a lesson in that, really. The one thing left to do was to download my travel insurance documents, and then, finally do an online check in. Those two things I did Wednesday.

And then put each document in its own polypocket.

How organised!

Anyway, the weather continued to be not very nice, but then not as bad as was expected. We were supposed to have over 12 hours of light rain, but in the end had just low, dark cloud. It didn't look like much like walking weather, and as I didn't go out for a walk, that was correct.

Work is just a bag of grief right now. Grief isn't the right word, but its not fun. Endless meetings, more agreed outcomes and then more meetings. Just going round and round in circles.

But I have to say that although it sounds bad when written like that, I was kept busy all day, barely having time to make brews or listen to all of the Gideon Coe show on the i player.

Eighty eight The cats now go to bed before Jools goes to work, and sleep until they remember its dinner time. On Tuesday it was half five before they thought it might be tea time.

Apart from Cleo.

Cleo is a ball of furry perpetual energy, who likes to sit and watch me in the mornings, then lay on the floor just out of reach, doing rollovers while meowing. Yes, very cute and adorable. Now please come here so I can give you a cuddle.


She runs away.

So it goes, so it goes.

At the bottom of the garden, the new house is nearly completed, with the flat roofers putting the finishing touches to the, er, roof. And the house itself is lower than the fence surrounding their garden, which is pretty much what we were promised. Work is carried out the soundtrack of some classic pop station on the radio, and its tunes floated across the garden sometimes clear enough to identify the tune, but mostly not.

Finishing touches And that is it, really. I find some video to watch, have a coffee and think about putting the office away, but leave it to the last minute as usual.

Dinner was fishcakes and stir fry. And noodles.

And good.

After coffee, just enough time to write the daily blog before England played on the telly box, v Ivory Coast, and coasted to a 3-0 win without breaking sweat, in no small part helped by one of the other team;s players getting sent off.

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