Friday 4 March 2022

Thursday 3rd March 2022

All aboard the Skylark!

All aboard for another day in paradise. Roll up, roll up.

Yes, another day in the dream factory where we are saving the planet one mistake at a time.

Passiontide Flower Sigh.

It it, at least Thursday. A day nearer the weekend, but one filled with meetings. But not as full as when I was on operations.

Every little helps. Apparently.

Despite not doing much, I was pooped. I struggle to get up, but when I do, Venus is hanging low and red in the south, indicating dawn wasn't far away.

Sixty two And the clouds and rain of previous days had gone, and although we were expected to have just three hours of sun, it shone pretty much all day. It is getting light now by quarter to six, meaning Jools can walkin the light, which is what she does, but when she returns, I am in the first meeting of the day talking away.

A muddy walk I get a pat on the head as Jools leaves for work.

Once my three meetings are done at ten, I decide to go out for a walk. I had started work at half six, would work to half three. I was still doing my hours.

A muddy walk The sun shone through whispy clouds, it felt and looked like Spring. Alexanders are now in flower just about everywhere, and they will grow and flower into high summer before going to seed.

A muddy walk On the way to the fields, I could see the nearly finished bungalow on Collingwood. Builders spent over a year almost rebuilding it, and the finishing touches are now being made. It looks good.

A muddy walk Further on the path across the fields was muddy, but not as muddy down the small dip past the farm, and at the top of the long climb before the wood, mud was ankle deep.

A muddy walk In the wood, about 10% of the trees were down, felled by the two storms a couple weeks back. And the path very muddy too.

I see no butterflies, but a few bees, and plenty of birds, all preoccupied with other stuff, apparently.

A muddy walk But it was sunny and warm. It was a pleasure just to be out.

I walk back down the down, along Collingwood to home where I make a brew and pop the loaf I had made at breakfast into the oven to bake.

A muddy walk The day carries on in it's own chaotic way; phone calls and messages.

A muddy walk I put the radio on and filter some of the chaos out.

Dinner is carbonara with the fresh bread. And wine.

It won't take long, so I wait for Jools to arrive home, able to show her some of the delights in the garden as it was still light.


I cook.

We eat.

We tidy up. I make coffee.

The day is done.

We have both had a day off this week, but because of our respective adventures in London, we're more tired than usual.

We go to bed at nine.

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