Thursday 3 March 2022

Delayed actions

Last week the PM and Lz Truss announced they would be sanctioning 100 Russian billionaires.

Nothing has been done.


Meanwhile, several EU countries have siezed yachts and mansions.

Brexit was supposed to make the UK more nimble on the world stage.

But nothing.

There are three explainations:

1. Merging of EU and UK post-Brexit legslation have made things more complex.

2. UK officials don't know how to unpick regulations that made the globe's wealthiest people use London to hide their billions.

3. The UK Government is still protecting its Russian backers.

Both the EU and "leftie lawyers" are being blamed, but this hasn't stopped both France and Germany seizing yachts and sanctioing the entire Russian Parliament. Meanwhile in the UK, Johnson says it will take 30 days to six weeks to do it, thus allowing those Russians to get their money out.

Something stinks. Bad.

Johnson heaping further shame on this once great nation.

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