Tuesday 15 March 2022

Compromised (part 2)

Compromised can mean many things, but a state, in this case Russia, using the fact they supply us with gas and oil to can coerce us to be less critical in criticising them or their actions.

Tis has meant that the West, as a whole did nothing as Russia wages war in Chechenya, inaded Georgia, annexed Crimea, each of which firther emboldened Putin.

The UK in particular welcomed Russian money and influence.

This came at a cost.

Until the court of public opinion changed, and rather than become the rich Russian's butlers and enamblers, we come now to try to punish it.

Too late the hero.

The Conservative Friends of Rissia, founded by Carrie Symonds now Johnson or Mrs Prime Minister, has been wound up, and the Daily Torygraph's pro Russian "Russia Beyond the Headlines" has been deleted from their website.

And those who have been shilling for Putin; Farage, Banks and Andrew Neil have been quiet, or denying their links. But its there for all to see. Only last week Farage was calling for "due process" for those who had been sanctioned. What about the due process for those who have been bombed and killed, Nigel?

A video emerged yesterday of Putin calling on Theresa May to honour the refendum and implement Brexit.

Putin wanted Brexit.

Farage wanted Brexit.

Johnson and Gove changed their mind on Brexit after meeting Lebdev.

Who Johnson then enobled.

Everything Johnson says and does should be viewed with thoughts on his, and his Party's close links to Russian money.

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