Thursday 17 March 2022

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Spring ended.

Cloud had rolled in.

And there was the threat of rain, later.

And there is always work.

Of course.

I was up early for a change, and already dawn had begun, but gently as the cloud subdued the light. But it was there.

Jools went for a walk, and I had to deal with my travel expenses. Its been 25 months since I last did them, so the first stage is the collect all receipts and photocopy them and finally send them to my work e mail address.

Now, I thought I had checked my calendar to make sure I ad no meetings, but I must have looked at the wrong day, because when I logged on a meeting had begun and ended.

I write a letter of appology.

But there are four more meetings through the day.


One meeting was, well, I have no words. I have mild depression I think from it all, when will it all end?

I don't know.

Outside it was still cold, and not weather for walking. I had to wait in for a delivery. A delivery of egg boxes as I am about to enter the world of moths, and have bought a moth trap, and need egg boxes to line the trap so the moths can cling to that until I photograph them.

Seventy five That is the plan.

The day fades as does my enthusiasm. My last call was with a colleague who was cryig wit how bad things are.

Again, I have no words.

Dinner is to be fshcakes, stir fry and curried rice, which, as ever came out bostin. I finish off when Jools gets home, outside it is still light, but raining. We'll walk, "next week".

For the evening there was Arsenal v Liverpool which ended 0-2, and was entertaining too.

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