Tuesday 22 March 2022

New week, new wave

So, it's Tuesday, just after 16:00 and the latest COVID data has been released:

592,000 positive cases this week, up 20.4%

13,700 hospitalisations, up 21.7%

836 deaths, up 17.1%.

COVID is not over.

I know more people with COVID now than I know caught it in the past two years. And there is less testing, less tracking as the Government has given up.

Jools's assistant, Donna, caught it on Sunday, and is trying to work from home, but can't really speak. My botanist friend, Richard is recovering. He was laid low for two weeks and is only just fit to leave the house.

Young, fit, healthy, vaccinated people. Not very ill, but ill enough not to be able to work.

And there is no legal requirement now to isolate.

COVID is not over, just when the next variant appears.

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