Tuesday 5 March 2019

And the hits keep on coming

And tonight, Nissan announced that they were to discontinue production of one of their models there, thus losing 400 more jobs.

I mean how much more bad news that just happenes to be happening at the same time as, I don't know, say Brexit?

And yet the lies keep coming, despite over for years of previous likes laying broken all around us.

350 million for the NHS

A free trade area stretching from Iceland to Turkey

350 million Turks demanding free movement after their country joined the EU

Dozens of trade deals ready a nanosecond after the UK leaves the EU.

All lies and damned lies.

All spouted by Brexiteers at one time and another. They lied then, why trust them now?

No reason at all.

And our economy is being fed onto the pyre to feed ending freedom of movement. Thanks for that, Theresa.

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