Thursday 14 March 2019

No nearer clarity

With half the Parliamentary Conservative Party, most of the party whips and eight Cabinet Ministers voting against an extension of the A50 process, somehow this is being portrayed as some kind of victory by political commentators.

If May had to rely on support from the opposition benches for the vote, what does that say to the EU about long term stability when it is highly likely that the PCP will get rid of May the first chance they get and install a Brexiteer in her place, and her agreements and WA would be the first things to be challenged.

This is also important as according to the polls, the Tories are ten points ahead, and that is not under threat despite the chaos in Westminster, and won't be unless Labour switch to either being fully anti-Brexit or all for a 2nd referendum.

It is now being mooted that the UK might appeal that the backstop is against the Geneva Convention, as it could bring unforeseen consequences to NI. This after the collapse of the devolved assembly, the threat to the GFA by Brexit, the deal done by May with the DU to prop up her Government and austerity in general apparently being all fine.

This is bollocks, and is the AG does end up supporting this, it will because he would be wearing his political hat rather than his legal one.

1 comment:

LaBelleProvince said...

You know what exasperates and amazes me? I have friends in the UK who are blase about the whole thing, saying, oh well, we'll probably get an extension, and it's really hard to say what the outcome will be, and what's on TV tonight.