Tuesday 5 March 2019

Tuesday 5th March 2019

It is still today, but tomorrow I am up with the larks, if not earlier, to go to Heathrow to fly to Hamburg. The trip has been in the balance all week, but is now on and I will enjoy myself, if it is only to dodge meetings and e mails for two days.

The day was much like Monday, only with pancakes, what with it being Shrove Tuesday.

Shrove Tuesday is marked now by the over consumption of pancakes, but in the past was marked by huge games of football, where half a town of village would play each other, running through the streets trying to get the ball to the goal, or post at the other end of the town. Teams were either "uppers" or "downers", and is the root of football we have now. Many town still play, but not round here.

Sixty three And as we are both on a diet, no pancakes here either.

And it was another fine morning, lots of sunshine, but cold with it too.

And then on with work, all meetings, phone calls and shouting.

Spring is well under way; in the garden, many bulbs and plants are shooting, including the imperialis, seven of which are now showing well. Birds are hungry, as the land is now bare of food, and they rely on what we put out. So I go to fill the feeders before starting work.

Next door are having building work done, their half of the house is shrouded in scaffolding, and soon the drilling will begin. And work will be almost impossible.

But for now, I work on.

I have boiled eggs for breakfast, and yummy toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch. And that is it. I am trying to cut down in order to lose more weight.

I end up working to gone five as I try to tie some loose ends before having to travel for two days meaning there will be yet more loose ends to tie up on Friday.

So there we are, one day one, and no further forward.

Situation normal.

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