Saturday 9 March 2019

Back to Life

I used to watch Red Dwarf a lot. So much so, I knew all the scripts from the first three series.

I mention this in a Brexit blog as something struck me today.

In an episode called "Back to Life", the characters are revealed to have been playing an immersive role playing game, the titular Red Dwarf. The tech who helped them unplugged them asked how far they had got, and when they said how far, it was revealed that Rimmer wasn't an idiot after all, but a secret agent. The clue being that he couldn't swim and yet had a silver swimming certificate, the dot over the "i" was a micro dot.

The tech said, what were you playing the idiot version?

Or something like that. It's been a while.

May has been playing "Brexit" the idiot version, where she makes the same mistakes over and over again. It's painful to watch.

With the DUP and Brexiteers angry about the UK wide version of the backstop, Barnier said that the backstop could revert to being NI applicable only.

Happy now?

Turns out they dislike this version of the backstop more. Which is why it was changed last year.

No, as this was the situation in December 2017, and the EU allowed the backstop to be made UK-wide applicable, so to avoid a tax border in the Irish Sea. So, the backstop is there to stay, just a question of where you want the border.

The current Minister for Brexit, Mr Barclay or something, said this was unreasonable, accepting something that would split up the UK, and yet this is exactly what May did when the deal was negotiated in November. Did she know what she was doing?

And why doesn't the BBC simply state the facts, this is a cock up from May and her Cabinet, not the EU?

So, as May and her Cabinet embarks on a campaign of blaming the EU, time slips by, with there now being just 20 days to go until Brexit Day.

And the PM and Barclay have oth managed to upset the EU just at the time they were hoping for help from it.

Madness on stilts.

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