Tuesday 26 March 2019

The last rites

Brexit is coming to an end.

We just don't what shape that will take.

Tomorrow, some 14 different votes will take place, the first step in finding out what, if anything, is acceptable.

This is the new reality.

The default is still no deal, but that has never felt so far away as it does tonight. Brexiteers are scrabbling trying to breath some life back into the project.

May is still the PM, but this is a battle between Government and Parliament, and the latter should win. It will still be framed as going against the will of the people, but some Brexiteers seem to know the game is up, JRM among them. With Love Leave trolling is blog post reminding him of the comments he made attacking May's WA.

Brexiteers turn on each other, the same way all fundamentalists do when their lies are found out.

The Government has responded to the online petition, saying they will ignore it. Thing is, in some constituencies, over 30% of voters signed it, could be very worrying for Tories in marginals. Just sayin.

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