Thursday 7 March 2019

Wednesday Brexit

As we get nearer to Brexit day, just 15 working days now, then everything gets shriller and more of a panic.

Worrying thing is, May has no other plan other than her negotiated WA being ratified in the House next week. She has pulled the votes on no deal and extension for the following days. So, with her own advisors anticipating a 100 vote defeat, where will this leave the UK?

God knows.

Meanwhile, Corbyn is talking about negotiating a “Norway” style FTA, but there is no mandate in this in the Commons or the country.

Time is almost up, and someone, Parliament hopefully, must take charge and decide what now. But for now, we just carry on as if someone has forgotten to order coffee for the weekly meeting, rather than something that is going to affect each and every Brit, and possibly take away the jobs and livelihoods of many more. Thing is, negotiations always involve compromise, and so give and take. In promising nothing by take and rejecting give, she has left herself with no options, or nothing else other than politically devastating ones.

Yesterday there were talks between the UK and EU, but the UK’s demands were seen as “insane”

If sane and insanity are both ruled out, what then?

As a matter of EU law the PM can revoke A50, but under UK law, legislation needs to be passed. And time is running out for that, which is why it seems May is running down the clock, to take the safe option of the table. And Brexiteers have realised this, and might back her WA, only to turn against it once the UK has left the EU.

If the WA is ratified in UK Parliament, nothing can stop it from happening.

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