Sunday 3 March 2019

Monday Brexit

Brexit will happen in about 600 hours.

The ERG and the PM are nearing an agreement as to what the former will accept in terms of the backstop.

Only problem is that even if something is agreed, it would then have to be agreed by Ireland and the rest of the EU27. Something which is n't going to happen.

These are the same discussions that have been happening since the autumn, if not before, about maximum facilitation and technological solutions. If either could work in either the short of medium term, it would have been agreed by now.

And it hasn't

Yesterday, it emerged that far from a long term plan to withdraw from the UK, Honda had a ship in transit from Japan to UK loaded with tooling to manufacture electric cars in Swindon.

They made it turn round and go back to Japan. Now, what ongoing crisis could have made them change plans like this?

And farmers are preparing to slaughter 10 million lambs there will be no market for if there is a no deal. They will be burned after slaughter and buried in landfills, like during foot and mouth crisis.

This is Brexit. And it is happening now. And will get worse.

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