Friday 22 March 2019

We are the three million

Early yesterday, I saw a link to an official petition regarding revocation of the A50, I clicked on the link and so was something like the 77 thousandth person to sign that seven month old petition.

As the day went on, not because of me, it went viral, at some point in the evening, two thousand people a minute were trying to sign it, the website crashed over an over again.

36 hours later, over three million have signed. It is all for nothing, probably, but it shows that this clusterfuck can generate huge emotions, including the heaviest traffic the Government site has ever seen.

"Leader of the House", Andrea Leadsome said that when it reaches 17.2 million, action might be taken. But it does show that while the Government has rounded up 52 percent to 100, and 48 down to zero, it will be hard to ignore those who voted in the petion and in the referendum to stay. Imagine the anger if Brexit is the disaster expected, imagine that anger with the background to a recession (or worse), mass unemployment, NHS privatisation, massive further cuts on social services and public spending. Imagine that anger.

In a sure sign the end of days are upon us, the CBI and TUC released a JOINT statement saying how alarmed they are regarding the national emergency emerging. When these two contrasting organisations come together, things really must be grim.

Next up, the actual delay to Brexit, but a further, possibly steeper cliff edge beckons. And in three weeks, the UK must make up its mind on the MV, the WA and Brexit itself.


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