Tuesday 5 March 2019

Monday 4th March 2019

The weekend has ended.


But I can make it last longer by watching MOTD2 whilst drinking coffee. I can ignore dawn outside, bringing the arrival of the overflowing in box of Outlook.

It was to be a bright and wonderful day, but I would be welded to the chair at the dining room table, putting out fires and lobbing hand grenades.

Is there no end to this shit?

And the answer is no.

Of course.

It is getting light when we get up at half five, light in the wouth east anyway. And daybreak comes quickly, so that by half six it is broad daylight, with sunrise coming soon after, flooding the kitchen with light so bright and golden it is like there are aliens out back, tempting me to a nice mind probe.

If I had a mind.

That is.

I have breakfast of fruit and yoghurt, then go to weigh myself. I have lost something like seven or eight pounds in three weeks. Not bad, but I feel instead of pounds it should be stones. But the beers at the weekend didn't help.

Still, the scales are going down, not as much as Jools who has now lost 20 pounds, though it is hard going, with three shakes a day, and weighed amounts of protein and vegetables. She is seeing real results, and has gone down 3 dress sizes.

We shall see.

I hope to be more controlled and more sustainable.

Work is shit. I won't lie. I mean real shit. Having to firefight, throw grenades and generally have a most miserable time.

Can we not just win the pools or lottery? Well, we would have to do them first, of course.

So, we go to work instead.

Oh well.

I have scrambled eggs for lunch, so to cut down on the carbs.

This is where I am now.

And writing in short sentences.

Last rays of the afternoon sun All building up to the evening and the Sheffield Derby where United play Wednesday, and all us City fans were Wednesday fans for the night, hoping the blades could be blunted.

Jools wants to play Uckers. Apparently, she has not suffered enough, but what with football and Only Connect, there isn't time.

Instead we bottle the slow port, which as Jools reminds me we made with our own hedgerow wine rather than red plonk. So, after bottling it, I taste a glass and find it already drinkable. We have 5 litres more to get through.

Sixty three And the Big Game ends 0-0.

So, our position at the top wasn't challenged.

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