Monday 4 March 2019

Groundhog Brexit

I could write about what has happened in the wonderful world of Brexit, but you know, its the same as it was last week. Same as it was last month. Same as it was last year.

Nothing has changed.

The issues are the same,

The choices are the same.

And the Brexiteers try to recycle failed ideas to beat the backstop over and over again.

Nothing changes.

Party leaders put their parties before the interest of the country.

In less than 600 hours the UK is to leave the EU.

The UK still does not know what it wants from Brexit, just what it doesn't want.

And by the UK I mean Parliament, after the people voted for a vague idea and then MPs gave the Government a blank check to deliver.

And it failed.


A shot idea, pushed by a shot Prime Minister who gave to to shit conservative MPs to deliver.

And they all cocked it up

And they still can't agree.

There are three choices: no deal, The WA or no Brexit.

We can ask for an extension, but we had better have a good reason for it.

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