Friday 31 May 2019

Some reality

The next two months will be taken up largely by the Tory leadership contest, where 12, or is it 13, contenders will mostly try to out-lie each other as to how they would out-negotiate the EU and get the backstop binned whilst curing cancer and finding the money tree in the Number 10 garden.

In laying out how tough each will be to the EU, and how much they will get the WA and backstop changed is the only way they will get the aging Conservative membership to vote for them. Anyone who is honest and pragmatic really doesn't stand a chance.

There is zero chance the WA will be re-opened and the backstop changed, mainly because not asking it to be reopened was one of the EU's preconditions to the UK when getting the UK Government to agree to it. And, secondly, the EU is breaking up it's Brexit negotiating team, as the matter is now considered closed: there is an agreed WA, just needs the UK to ratify it.

Or not.

So, PM Johnson, Raab or whoever, might travel to Brussels claiming to have a mandate from the Conservative Party for this or that, and there will be no one to talk to, just the EU saying, the matter is closed, what are you going to do, ratify the WA< no deal or no Brexit? The choice will be the UK's.

This will allow the new PM to paint the EU as the side to blame, but the reality is different. It is the UK to blame, for allowing the shysters to sell their snake oil and convince enough of the country to believe them, backed by the press and some of the media.

Reality has always destroyed Brexit, and each time the two touch, it is Brexit that is damaged. Reality is not going to change, and whoever is PM will face the same scenario and outcome. And be blamed for failure.

But enough of the population and electorate believe in Brexit enough to blindly push for it, happy to blame the EU, foreigners, immigrants, the left, the judiciary and whoever else for their failure. And just stopping Brexit will not shut them up, they will always be there, poisoning politics for a generation or more.

Brexit has already smothered all other policies, which doesn't mean there are huge other problems in the UK, there just isn't time in Parliament to debate and address them. Brexit eats everything.

And will always.

Brexit will blame everything else on someone else, without taking the blame for itself. Same goes for Brexiteers.

The leading Brexiteer, Nigel, offers no solutions, no plans, just more cries of betrayal, when the betrayal comes from himself, and the lies he peddled for money from the US or Russia. Or both.

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