Sunday 19 May 2019

Weekend Brexit

In a new poll, the Sunday Express leads with a headline that Britons want Nigel Farrage to lead UK Brexit negotiations.

All very well, but he is not an elected member of the UK Parliament. He has failed seven tomes to be elected to that body. Neither is he a member of the Conservative Party.

Those two small issues, notwithstanding, why not?

Well, he ran away once his political dream was made flesh, retired to host a radio chat show. Only to come back to shout "betrayal" at all forms of Brexit and non-Brexit.

He is not stupid, far from it, but he is not a leader. He is only good for opposition. Opposition to reality, mainly, but hey.

And May is going for one last big push to get the WAB through Parliament, and no one really believes she can do that, not when the ERG know that if it fails, one of their own will be made PM.

Polls suggest the Conservatives will suffer a record-breaking defeat in the Euro elections this week, and Labour will lose huge number of votes to the LibDems.

Not much will change though....

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