Saturday 10 April 2021

Friday 9th April 2021

Despite what I'm going to write about Friday, there are signs that things gout-related, are improving on Saturday.

But for now, Friday.

Little changes as the weeke went on, each day I woke with hope of improvement, only to be dahsed as the pain and swelling returned.

Thursday night it took me ages to get to sleep, as anything touching my toe was so painful, so finding a pain-free position and then relaxing took maybe two hours, which is why I spent inuntil Jools woke me at quarter to seven.

I was going to be late for work.

I get up, drink ocoffee, then am dressed and begin working at half seven, it seems no one had missed me.

I work away, taking calls and finishing stuff for next week's four days of auditing.

Jools went to Tesco, returning at 11, so I help put the shopping away, then we have toast for brunch and more brews.

I stopped work at midday, and to be honest, a combination of lack of sleep, gout, lack of direction and ongoing IT issues meant I was spent with work.

Ninety nine I put the radio on, only for the announcement to come that the Duke of Edinburgh had died, and normal programming was cancelled with non-stop news on all BBC radio stations and the two main BBC TV channels. BBC 4 was taken off the air for the night, though the international women's football was available in its website. So, one is respectful and the other isn't?

Fritillaria imperialis Jen came round at three. We talked then played cards. Jools won.

I made bread from a sourdough mix, and it became a monster proving the second time, filling the making tray. Good job I checked after an hour and not left it 30 minutes more.

We have caprese, eat bread and talk about stuff, life, the universe and persuit of happiness.

Jen leaves at half seven, I go to watch football: Watford v Reading. Watford win 2-0.

Changes little.

I go to bed.

Hoping for a better day in the morning.

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