Thursday 22 April 2021


The populist Government in India declared victory over COVID After the first wave.

If you want to be scared, you should look at the current infections.

Its even worse than that, as it seems estimates are lagging 10x at least behind, so imagine this, but ten times worse.

And as you can see the graph is currently near vertical, meaning its going to get worse, much worse, before any improvement.

There are shortages of beds, vaccines, oxygen and , apparently, hope.

It has been heading this week for weeks, and alarm bells have been ringing, and yet India is on the OK to travel list until Friday morning, which means people can still travel tonight, arriving in the UK in the morning, infected, bringing B.1617 to us.

The mutant is likely to be partly, at least, immune to vaccines, so just as we thought things were improving, and more unlocking takes place, this is coming.

Maybe it won't be as bad as feared, and our vaccination campaign will mean we are safe, most of us are safe. But remember this: Johnson could have stopped travel from India, or anywhere or everywhere if he valued public health, so this is on him.


I have close colleagues in India who fear for their lives. I can hear it in their voice. And there is nothing I can do to help, or have anything to say.

This could be avoided if the patents were allowed to be open source, and we could have all been vaccinated.

But profits.

Come first.

Hundreds of thousands, mayble millions will die so shareholders and big pharma can make extra money.

Lets stand at our front doors and clap for that.

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