Tuesday 13 April 2021

Monday 12th April 2021

Sometimes, so much can change in 24 hours.

And sometimes, it doesn't.

So it goes, so it goes.

So, I wake up with less pain in my foot. In my toe. Which is good. But on the other hand. Or foot. My foot, itself, had swollen up to the point wearing the smipper was painful again.

Sunrise Sigh.

So, once up it was sit in the office chair, foot on a cushion on a dining chair, and pretty much stay there all day.

Just as well, then, that I am to sit here all day and conduct an audit. An audit with a factory in that there Italy. Yes, upon thinking, I would much rather have flown over to conduct the audit in person, instead here I am with my one normal foot and one very large one.

A nest of snakes Jools makes me a coffee before she goes for a walk, I do what I usually do, then log on to work for a meeting at seven, make a phone call, and then its eyes down for the audit.

But MS Teams had one more trick to play on us, locking us all out of the meeting, even the organiser And that was the same with either compa's credentials.


So, my colleague calls us one at a time, joining the call and then having the meeting that way.

One hundred and two IT had yet another trick up its sleeve in that no one could open the document repository, so we could not audit that part, instead rely on trust they were not lying.

And so the morning carries on.

I had booked an online consultation with my doctor, I had both phones beside me, so all bases covered.

At half eleven the window cleaner came, so I went out to pay him, and have two minutes chat, only for the doctor to call when I was out. I was his last call, apparently, and once he got no answer he finished for the day. NO consultation or pills for me that day. I call the surgery and book another meeting for Tuesday.

Imperial My foot throbs, and so the day continues. The audit finishes, and I then have yet more meetings, meetings about future audits.

Imperial Such is life.

For dinner I make something new: JOols had bought a jar of garlic paste to mix with mushrooms to have with risotto. We didn't have the right rice, and I added an onion and some chorizo. It was pretty darn good. Would have been even better with a glass or red wine, but not this week.

I am down, a bit. So I call my friend in Canada, Liza, and we talk about the great homing dressing gown, of condos and houses.

I am so fed up, I don't watch the late game, nor the early one, which is just as well as it ended 0-0 some time after ten.

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