Friday 9 April 2021

Thursday 8th April 2021

Eighth day of gout.

Gout is not COVID. I will not end up in hospital. It will not kill me, and I can't infect anyone else.

It is my own special hell.

I wake up in the morning, and it seems slightly better. I can walk without a limp, there is less swelling and redness. So I go about my life, take out the bins, cook, wash up, feed the cats and so on, and as the day goes, no, the pain builds, the swelling increases, so that by late afternoo, and thing other than having my left foot elevated is painful, and I can feel the discomfort building second upon second.

It also means I cannot go out for a walk, go plant hunting, go to the shop or anything, just shuffle round the house, go into the garden to survey the lawn and flower beds and come back inside. It has been like this for eight days.

I drink more, but it doesn't work in flushing all the crystals out. The NHS website says an attack can last from seven to ten days, meaning it might ease over the weekend. Needless to say so, I hope it does.

In the end, I filled in the online form for a consultation with my crap doctor, and hoped to have an appointment today, but he must be busy and that won't happen until Monday. I mean, its not going to kill me, just make me down. At least the weather will be crap on Saturday, so any thought of going out plant hunting has been banished. Until next week, I hope.

But until then there is always work.

Of course.

I hate to feel sorry for myself, and want to be able to do things, so refuse the offer from Jools of putting the bins out, saying I will do it. And anyway, as it is early in the day, foot isn't that painful. So once she goes I check on what bins the neighbours have put out and put the same out. I make a second coffee and log on to work, finding the usual mix of frustration and IT failures. At least the IT failures are something different ech day, this day it was updates on the vitual desktop.

I pondered this all day, and into the night as I lay in bed with my toe throbbing; is an update to software on a virtual desktop an actual update or a virtual update? And why should I care? All I know is that the desktop was unusable for the day as it just froze.

I finish agendas and power points for four days of audits next week. These will be the first ones I will have done as part of the new company, and will be an experience for us as auditors as well as for the factories. The first one is in southern Italy, near to Brindesi where I was stationed once for a month in preparation of going to war. I would love to have travelled there for the audit, but it will be via Teams.

Ninety eight Other than this, the day was much the same as the previous three. By midday, or just after my foot is throbbing to the point I can't concentrate, so I log off woork, but to keep my mnd occupied, WSC arrived, so I lay on the bed, with Scully, taking in the month's football news and writing, all without the sheen of PR.

Dinner was courgette fritters once again. I add curry powder, a bit more this time, but not too much as I don't want to overpower them. But then we did the finished fritters in garlic mayo, so would it have wouldn't mattered a jot.

And that is it, really. Sit at the table, lay on the sofa, lay in bed, reading, listening to the radio, feeling sorry for myself.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.....

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