Friday 16 April 2021

Indian summer

It is April 16th, 13 months into the COVID crisis, and the UK Government is still yet to seal the UK border.

Meanwhile, Australia and NZ have opened a common travel bubble as they all but illiminated the virus.

In the meantime, here, several cases of the Indian variant, B.1.617 have been found. If you want to be scared, look at he current infection spike for India to see what this variant has done.

It is possible that this variant is already vaccine resistant, if not immune.

This is the real fear.

Cases are in the UK because the UK has come traffic light system for all countries, and India is not yet a red list country.

UK, Britain, is an isalnd. We control our borders, which is what Brexit was all four. And the one time it would have come in real handy, Johnson failed.

Like he has so many times.

Track and Trace has to work to map the spread of this and other mutations. It is hardly mentioned now.

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