Friday 2 April 2021

Thoughts for the day

As ever, Chris Grey makes some well judged comments in his blog this morning,

about the possible changing dynamic between London and Brussels. But it is also likely that this is only a temporary measure until Johnson concocts some imagined grievance so he can play to the cheap seats in the ERG.

Because, at the end of the day, most of the ERG are not just against the NIP and WA and TCA in the way they were negotiated, but against tham all in principle, and see any kind of agreement as treasonous to their imagined sovereignty. For these, there will never be a period where they just accept things the way they are, like they expect so called Remainers, or Remoaners to do.

At no point do any of them, ERG, Vote Leave or the Cabinet accept that the effects of Brexit that industry and exporters are experiencing.

Most Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) either accept that there is no export market to the EU or they reloacte all or part of their business to one of the EU27, the exact opposite to what Brexit was promised to do. And as pointed out in a BBC piece today, one owner says that the expansion his company is going to make into Belgium will be at the expense of doing so in the UK and takes paid will be to Belgium, not the UK.

For many, having lost in some cases over half their business, then facing additional costs of £150,000 to set up in the Eurozone is just not viable, so they sit and see their long treasured business crumble around them, all thanks to the broken promises of Brexit.

Each day that goes by, these stories will increase, and jobs and businesses will blin out of existance, lost to the sheer madness of a policy that puts up trade barriers with our biggest export market.

And those who made the promises, blame their own fundamental failure in understanding their long held Brexit on the EU and punsihment. The EU doesn't need to punish the UK, we are doing a great job of that ourselves.

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