Tuesday 29 January 2019

Monday 28th January 2019

If you would have told me that by today I would have posted 101 blogs this month, I wouldn't have thought it possible. But I hope you enjoyed the tour through America and I know Brexit is getting boring, got boring, but we are nearly at the end game now. Or are we? So, for the time being, its how I plan to go on, blogging, writing, the usual stuff. Some weeks will be quieter, like when we go away, but others. Lots of posts.

Monday again, and Jools says she is fine to go back to work, which means I will too.

And it is bitterly col in the house until the new heating kicks in, but outside there are clear skies, and the promise of a bright day. Indeed, Venus shines down still from the sky which is rapidly getting lighter. It is already lighter half an hour earlier, or more on a bright day. Light is winning.

She has coffee, gets ready for work and leaves. I should have done a session on the cross trainer, but my back says no. So I don't. Tomorrow, I tell it.

We shall see.

Work is a round of calls asking how things are and what happened. Its hard, but as well as what has happened here, there are responsibilities I have for work too, and first of all to think about, is a four and a half day trip to DK next week. I say I will make a decision on Tuesday.

But for now, there is a bursting inbox to deal with. And meetings to attend.

And then there is Southeastern.

Southeastern run the trains between here and Kent, and it was one of their trains that Meg stepped in front of. So I called them up, and spoke to one of their customer care officers to say that even now, we are thinking about the poor driver, and that we do not hold him to blame. Its not much, but the best I could do. As I was speaking, grief came over me and I began to cry.

Twenty eight And that is how the day panned out: work, emotional, take a break, and back to work.

So it goes, so it goes.

I wrap up at half four, outside it is still light, light enough to go for a quick walk. If I wanted. I know I should have. There is a glorious sunset, all wonderful warm light, though the day was bitterly cold, and due to get colder.

Dinner is the old carbonara, garlic bread and wine. Lots of wine.

Jools comes home, opens the pink fizz and we toast Meg before we eat.

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