Saturday 19 January 2019

Truth is lies

Today is when the “meaningful vote” is going to happen in Westminster. It might not change things straight away, but it will trigger the beginning of the end. The end of phase 1.

Make no mistake, Brexit is going to go on for years, if it ever stops. The first part is ratifying the WA, which the PM< Cabinet, Government and Parliament all passed, twice, so quite why all are getting het up about things now. Or could it be that they were either too stupid or too dumb to actually read and understand what they had agreed too?

Blaming the EU for that, is what the DUP did last night is outrageous, but then is par for the course in this new Brexit reality.

Truth is lies, up is down, black is white, and Arline says there was never a hard border on Ireland, so quite where those guard towers and checkpoints came from then?

I believe, as a country, we deserve Brexit and all that it brings as were are too dumb to admit it was wrong, so would rather be so much poorer than admit to making a mistake. Others, the vulture capitalists and their lickspittles, will call for no deal and hard Brexit, so they can pick up cheap businesses and asset strip them. Privatise the NHS, make the poor and sick pay. Why not?

The guy doing our boiler voted to leave, he said he has his reasons. It’ll be hard at fiorst he said, but then be alright. No? No, it won’t. We will all be poorer, and that’s just trade.

In two years we have gone from the easiest deal in history to not be as bad as Dunkirk. So, that’s OK then,

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