Tuesday 22 January 2019

Pressing the panic button

Yesterday, not only did "Sir" James Dyson move his company's headquarters to Singapore, but the Patisserie Valerie chain ran by another brexiteer entered administration, but the biggest news, and least reported, was that Sony are to move their European HQ to Holland from UK. On top of this, Hitachi are considering their options regarding their train assembly plants as the order book is empty at the end of the year, and additional checks on carriage shells would add costs. They already have another factory in Italy.

This is not "project fear", this is reality, and as Parliament lurches from one crisis to another, apparently paralysed, then companies will have to decide whether to take the risk to stay, or to leave.

A trickle of leaked documents reported on by Sky TV show something between 75 and 87% of traffic through Dover will be disrupted for up to six months. in the event of a no deal, but at the same time, it will be impossible to tell. So, emergency plans will be enacted and things will begin to snowball out of control, as more jobs and more businesses are moved to France. Never to rerun.

So, even if Brexit is stopped, these changes are permanent, so Brexit is forever, even if it stopped, and business trust in the UK will take many, many years to recover from.

The electorate voted, narrowly for Brexit, then less than a year later voted away the Government's ability to deliver ut. And yet, apparently, do not want a second referendum now, either, if the polls are to be believed.

But if a course is not plotted soon, then the default is no deal Brexit and over the cliff we all go.

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