Tuesday 8 January 2019

Monday 8th January 2019

I wake up and right away I know there's an allergy attack coming. Now, no need to worry you would think, now that I have found a cure and all that. Only the last two times, the quick squirts only took the edge off it, and I was worried that it had been luck the times it had seemed to work.

So I sat at the dining room table, sniffing, sneezing and coughing, I told Jools I would be fine, not really believing it. But when I went upstairs to get dressed, I do a quirt and more fuid came out, and so in ten minutes, attack over and a thing of the past.

Just amazing.

So, what seemed was going to be a nightmare day, turned out it was going to be fine. But then there's always work!

Yes, work.

Everyone would be back at work, and although I had told myself how good I had been in sending out notifications before Christmas, I would now be getting replies. So, a busy day ahead.

And if didn't have replies, I would have to send reminders.

More busy.

Outside it was cloudy, so not looking too inviting for a walk, anyway, my back said it was feeling like it didn't want to go for a walk or begin sessions on the cross trainer.

Who am I to argue?

And so the day progresses, I get work done and am apparently in control. A new feeling, but I think it is good.

Seven IN a break from work, I take some snaps out the back of the house at the feeder after I spot a greenfinch feeding, but it had gone by the time I got the camera out, changed the lens, switched the camera on, switched to IS on, took the lens cap off and got the feeder in view, it had flown off.

Oh well.

I finish work, feed the cats and begin prep of dinner. Already another day gone, so the weeks begin to slip by again, already a week into the new year.

There is football on TV in the evening, Wolves v Liverpool, but Only Connect is on, so i watch that.

I do watch the second half of the game, but am distracted. Not a bad game, but both teams play mostly reserve teams, showing how important it is to both teams.

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