Friday 11 January 2019

Tuesday 8th January 2019

I have to say I am rather enjoying these memoirs I am writing, hope they’re not boring you.

Thing about working from home, the days blur into one another, so when I do a week from home, every days is pretty much the same as every other.

Tuesday was a glorious sunny day, the sort that brings hope in your heart that Spring is just around the corner, even if it is so chilly.

Back in the jugg agane Once we do the usual early morning stuff and Jools leaves for work, I find that I have yet another allergy attack building, which means no phys, but I go to take two squits, and to really show I’m in control, I go for a shower and wash my hair. So when I come down to have breakfast I was already breathing better, despite the shower.

I have it beat.

So, I get to work, tackle the inbox, and then get stuck in a minor problem that takes up most of the day. Also, unbeknown to me, the problem was also escalating itself up the company too, I only found out when I was copped in to a mail from a big, big wig. It happens.

Back in the jugg agane I go out for a walk at lunchtime, not because I need to tackle the allergies, just to exercise my back.

I walk over the fields to Fleet House, nothing major, the ground has dried out well as we haven’t had much rain for a few weeks. My back did grumble, but not much, so I walk over the fields, and where the path then goes between a small paddock and the row of houses on Collingwood, I see there are a number of birds in the bare branches of the tree above. I stand and see they are Long Tailed Tits, a dozen of more of them, flitting from branch to branch, chirping to each other. As I stand still, some come quite close, but once I move they fly off a little. I must have stood there for ten minutes, with a huge grin just watching the delightful birds.

Back in the jugg agane There is no collective noun for Tits.

I learned later.

Eight Further along I flush a Kestrel out of the hedge, and it lands on a power cable. It looks at me as if deciding if I could be dinner.

Another walker scares it off, but from its perch, it drops to the ground, picks up some poor rodent, and is away, screeching as it went.

Back in the jugg agane I reach the top of Norway Drove, but decide that’s enough, so walk back home, slowly, but see nothing so exciting.

The afternoon is uneventful, so I set my out of office message and pack up, then get dinner ready, Carbonara again, always a winner. I make lots of crispy garlic bread, and pour a nice large glass of red plonk.

And that was it for Tuesday. Some packing later in the day and a coffee whilst listening to the radio.

On my travels on Wednesday.


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