Monday 28 January 2019

Seeing remoaner plots everywhere.

Today, the BBC has run, as its major news story, one that reports how the CEOs from all of the UKs high street supermarkets fro Tesco to Lidl and the body that represents them, that a no deal Brexit will lead to empty shelves.

And yet many people are more than happy to add to the over four thousand comments that either they know more about the supermarkets supply chains or that these shops are all part of some remainer conspiracy.

We are now so far beyond the Brexit event horizon, that I think that, as a country, not only do we deserve to have Brexit, we need it to happen and be every bt as disasterous as predicted so that we can all scream at the headbangers "WE FUCKING TOD YOU SO!"

But even then, with food shortages and riots everywhere, they would still deny reality.

Bastards Meanwhile, in Narnia, sorry Westminster, politicians are arguing over a deal trying to be done between the PM and her backbenchers, ERG and DUP that the EU REJECTS EVERY DAY!

And yet the madness continues.

Meanwhile, Gina Miller is trumpeting something called Remain 2.0, where UK tries to reform the EU from within. LIKE THEVERY FUCKING THING CAMERON DID THREE YEARS AGO!!

Please, just make it stop.

The madness.

The stupidity.

Letting politicians who have no idea what they're talking about, have air time to spread more lies.

Just make it stop.

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