Monday 14 January 2019

Sunday 13th January 2019

We woke up to a cool and cloudy day, not the milder and sunnier day we were expecting. As we had chores to do in the garden, the question was would we ever get round to doing them?

The answer to that was some of it would get done, not all.

In fact we lay in bed until gone eight, and the cats stirred us, daylight, or near to daylight was showing through the curtains.

Welcome to Sunday.

Sunday is; football, bacon butties, coffee and more football.

And not for: work.

So, after I make coffee then watch half the football, I make breakfast, eating said butties through the second half of the footie, and then we had to do some stuff.

An overdue chore was sorting out the wiring to support the fruit canes. I mean, it all seemed so simple last year, but the wire was too small a gauge, and I know now how to use the tensioners. So Jools had bought some thicker wire, we just had to take down the old stuff and work out how to get the new stuff off the spool without creating a huge steel birds nest.

Thirteen Jools helps and in time we have the top two levels of the posts wired up, and we are done. We could have done the stoned area in the front garden, but we have weeks in which we hope the weather will get warmer. So, I go inside and do a session on the cross trainer, just 16 minutes, but more than I hoped for.

For lunch we have the last of the salt beef in crispy rolls, along with huge brews, and in the afternoon we make the final slice of the Christmas cake disappear. They have been a triumph this year, but all things must come to an end. So it is with Christmas.

I listen to the football, nothing much to report, but the transformation of Man Utd from also rans into serious if not title contenders goes forward apace Anyway, Utd win at Spurs and the world continues to spin.

And the weekend draws to an end. I play Jools at Uckers. And win. We have dinner; scrambled eggs with free range eggs from Jen's flock. Lovely.

And that was it. The working week beckons, and me travelling four days.

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