Monday 22 August 2022

Another Brexit bonus?

As I have written about Brexit for over six years, I have covered many issues and mentioned many potential risks.

Now, for the last few weeks, the water industry has been unleashing an environmental disaster on the UK's rivers, streams, lakes and seas, in releasing millions and millions of untreated sewage.

For most of that time, this has been painted as a cost-cutting activity by the water companies, so linked to executive pay and dividends for shareholders.


One of the worries of Brexit, I seem to remember, was the potential shortage of the chemicals needed to treat sewage during treatment.

And for the past 24 hours this seems to be the case.

Not that you would know there is much wrong at the mment as most newspapers are ignoring the disaster as it unfolds, and the BBC making passing reference about the swage being in the sea, but not why.

Context is everything.

So, far from being the sunlit upland utopia, this Goverment, it's shit Ministers, Brexit has turned the UK into Shawshank Prison where to escape you have to swim through raw sewage.

So much winning.

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