Tuesday 2 August 2022

Mr and Mrs Benn

Mr Benn was a TV series with very few episodes, where the titular Mr Benn when to a fancy dress shop, tried on a fat and had advntures based on the hat either my magic or in his head.
Our current (part-time) PM is Mr Benn made real. In the last two weeks, when he said he would be working hard as PM as ever he had. Ahem. He had spent nearly £100,000 of taxpayer's money on going for a jolly in a Eurofighter all for a photo-op.
Or visiting some Ukranian soldiers being trained somewhere in the UK.
In the past he has dressed up as a policeman and border security, all in specially made coats, or costumes, with the words "Prime Minister" on them, so anyone who know who the feck he was. And the Johnson "continuity" candidate, Liz Truss has also been doing the same for some time, planning her campaign to become Leader. Some have been a direct sopy of situations Margaret Thatcher was photographed in. Others, she looked bewldered in places across the world, like Moscow.
Colleagues ask me how did the UK end up the way it is. By falling for old squit like this. Call me when the country is ready to be serious again.....

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