Monday 22 August 2022

Sunday 21st August 2022

So, as the churchcrawling restarted on Saturday, so the final curtain was to be brought down on the orchid season on Sunday, as I hosted the final group meet of members of the FB Kent Orchid group.

The group has grown from being an information site for my photographer friends, to morphing into a group for orchidists, who now number 363. And even if I say so myself, we are a pretty happy, polite group.

And in order to avoid the dogwalkers, I thought we would have the meet at 11:00 rather than crack of sparrahs, which as it happened, enabled me to go to Folkestone for a haircut before.

And with nights cooling down, I slept very well, and woke well rested, for the first time in what seemed like months. But as it turned out, that wouldn't stop me struggling to stay awake in the afternoon in front of the football.

Jools went swimming at quarter to seven, and was back by eight so we could have a fine breakfast of fruit followed by croissants, of course. And coffee. All so I would be ready to drive to Folkestone at nine and be outside the shop when it opened.

I drove the quiet way along the Alkham Valley, and so was stuck behind a van I tried to overtake on what I thought was a clear stretch of road, I only saw the car coming the other way at the last minute.

I lived to tell the tale.

And into Folkstone where parking near the harbour was already filling up as our Kentish beaches are still clean, possibly, but I parked near the top of the Old High Street, then walked up the the shop, waiting outside for ten minutes until the guys opened.

Even the guy was surprised by how long my hair was, and thich with it. It fell like leaves in the fall.

I paid the man and made my escape, back down the hill to the car, then rushing back along the Alkham Valley before turning through Temple Ewell to the car park, where I find just one space free, and a whole load of people with cameras and binoculars hanging about.

Not waiting for me, I hoped.

These were butterfly chasers, and had come from all over Kent to seek the Silver Spotted Skippers, I spoke to the leader and told him of the ALTs there. Later he would tank me on Twitter saying how nice and helpful I had been.

Nice man.

Both of us.

Once they left, the orchidists began to arrive, numbering half that of the butterfly chasers, but our prey would not fly off.

The Orchid hunters We walked up the down, then along to the meadow, dropping down to where the little twisty spikes were. We spread out and got our shots, but I went off looking for butterflies.

I did see and snap a male Adonis, and from a distance a SS Skipper, but none to get a good shot of, but a mating pair of Meadow Browns were easier when they struggled to fly off.

Two hundred and thirty three And that was that. The others wandered off, and I tried to help on couple find a male Adonis. And being typical, we found two females, but no males basking or on the wing. They gave up and said they'd come back next year. So, we walked back to the car park, and then on our ways. Me back via Tesco to buy some baby new potatoes to go with the salad for lunch.

Jools had that ready, so just had to boil the spuds and serve in a bowl covered in melted butter and coarse sea salt.


And then an afternoon of football with Leeds beating Chelsea 3-0, and then Newcastle holding Citeh to a 3-3 draw. Two great games with lots of action and excitement.

I went to KFC to buy something for supper, and ended up getting a bucket so there would be lots leftover for lunches.

Not a bad weekend, all in all.

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