Thursday 4 August 2022

Management decisions

Inmy professional role, I work in and around management systems, and in particular, change and how change is implemented.

So, when I see the chaos of Truss's "levelling down" policy every became an actual policy shows how poor the current crop of Conservative politicians is.

For what was one of her cornerstone policies, I would have expected this to have been costed as well as the consequences on labour relations and public perception of what it wouldmean for 5,500,000 public sector workers who would have received a real pay cut of an average of £3,000 per year.

How this became an actual policy is a mystery to me, on a professional level.

Last night, on Sky News, Truss was interviewed and asked where the £8.8 billion came from.

Remember this is the policy her team put out in support of her bid to be leader, and she could not, or would not state where that saving came from.

A leader, it should not need to be pointed out, should take ownership of mistakes done in their name. This does not bode well for Truss at PM.

So, Truss could not state where the savings her policy would be coming from. We know, she knows, and she knows that we know, that the savings would have come from pay cuts, and she could not say that.

But that is the truth.

I don't mind cruel policies, well, I do, but ones that are thought out and planned and executed is one thing, but blurting out random ideas and see what the public like and run with that and something they do not like.

This is not how a country should be run, this is now how a leadership campaign should be run.

But will be, and is.

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