Wednesday 24 August 2022

Three slogans of the Party

DAG is usually on the money in his posts, and yesterday he remarked how in 1983, the three slogans of the party were:




"But they are perfect, in their ways, for they cover and anticipate what may otherwise disprove them.

These are the slogans of politicians who are utterly unafraid of it being pointed out that the opposite is the case to what they are claiming."

Johnson's, and soon to be Triss's Government have their own slogans:




And like in 1984, these mean the opposite to what the electorate think them to mean, of the Govenment says they mean.

How can this Government stand for free trade when it puts barriers up with our closest and largest volume trading partners?

How can the Government stand for law and order when it cuts the number of police, closes dozens of Crown Corts and has underfunded the Legal System to the point barristers go on indefinitive strike from September 5th.

And Free Speech, when the Government passes law after law reducing free speech, the ability to protest or question the actions of the Government or the Executive.

People nod along because they think Johnson, et al, are on their side, silencing the speech of people who disagree with what they say, but in time, they will be silenced too.

Brexit was supposed to have brough nirvana, higher wages, and more money for everyone. Instead, real wages have dropped, standards of living dropping like a stone and inflation to top 18% over the winter.

But Johnson got all the big calls right.

Got Brexit done.

Got the country through COVID.

Gave the monarch unlawful advice.

Signed trade deals on worse terms than we had as EU member state.

200,000 people died from COVID, and it's not over.

Excess death rate the highest in the G7.

Delays to justice now getting longer, serious sexual assault cases can take up to four years to come to court, thus denying victims justice and the accused the chance to clear their name.

Instead, the enemeis are: immigrants, wokeness, the EU, The Civil Service. And so on. Just so you don't look at them.

They'd rather you get angry about workperson than the fact that there were 200,000 largely avoidable deaths, and Dido Harding somehow managed to spen £37 billion on test and trace that did't work, and tens of billions more on dodgy PPE contracts.

But what about them immigrants, eh?

When we care that we are being lied to, that Conservatives care, that people matter, that truth matters, we will be fucked.

Good and proper.

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