Tuesday 16 August 2022

Monday 15th August 2022

Would have been Nanna's hundreth or so birthday.

It is a sad refelction on her treatment of Granddad and, in my opinion, being largely responsible for his early death that I do not mourn her, nor miss her.

She used to sit at Mum's, once Granddad had died, looking all sad, and I had to say to her, if you would have treated Granddad better then he might still be here. It may sound harsh, but when he went into hospital with a heart of angina attack, she would save the washing so he did it when he got out, when he should have been resting, which is why, near the end they would only let Granddad out of they got an automatic washing machine and tumble dryer instead of the twin tub they had.

Whispering grass That and their diet.

Granddad was at peace when he died, away from a lifetime of bitterness from her. He and my Dad died three days apart, they kept each other company in the Norwich City part of heaven.

Some people have hearts of gold, others no heart at all.

Sylv was going back to Bury, and for "reasons", Jools was going with her, which meant getting to the station for half eight. Once up, Jools went swimming, came back, had breakfast and packed, so all was ready for when we left.

I thought eight in the morning might be busy, but with schools off there was little traffic about, so I dropped Jools off to wait for Jen to arrive with Sylv, I went home to start work and make sense of the chaos.

Euplagia quadripunctaria Before work there was the checking of the moth trap: 12 Jersey Tigers and a smattering of small bron jobs, which one day I might get to ID, but there are over two thousand UK moth species, and many are very similar, and most are variable. One of the Tigers flies away and settles in the hedge so I could get a shot.

By the shed, one of the cannas has blossomed, so I take a snap of that too, always looking for a shot of the day.

Canna Into the house and work, and not much to tell, really. Just the usual things; mails, calls and screaming at the walls.

Lunch is leftovers from Sunday; salad, corn and jewelled fruits, and the sauce. All good. I also cook the firecracker sausages bought on Saturday, cutting them into chuncks to mix in with the salad.

It felt healthy, though probably wasn't.

Come three, I go to Tesco to get some things I had forgotten; mainly fizzy water and squash, but also some beer.

Then to Temple Ewell to look for the final orchid specis of the season: Autumn Lady's Tresses.

I park at the bottom, there were a couple of cars, but in the two meadows and up on the top of the down, I saw no one else. There has been a problem with dogwalkers the last two times I was up here, but none today, though scattered dog poo bags show how well locals (don't) treat the nature reserve.

Up on the down, I use what3words to get to the two spikes Fran found ten days before. One was already going to seed, but as I looked around I found a good twenty spikes, including some nice groups, to snap.

Two hundred and twenty seven Happy, I walk back down, looking for butterflies, but the breeze really was quite strong, but an Adonis settled near enough to get a shot, though it kept its wings closed.

Polyommatus bellargus Home in the "rush hour" traffic, I do some work before wrapping up, and then put the radio on, and open a large bottle of tripel which would see me through to bed time.

Once I got hungry, after six, I bread some chicken strips and shallow fry them, and serve with more salad and cold corn.

Pretty good.

Very good.

Things is, with Jools not coming home, there is no structure to the day, evening, so I eat later. But that was OK as there was football to watch.

Jools called: she and Sylv got to Bury, though trains were chaos with screaming and shouting and niether of ther reserved seats were free, and no staff to help. And then the train from Wigan failed to stop at the station nearest to Sylv's house, so they had to get a taxi from Bolton.

I watch the Liverpool v Palace game, and was OK. Kept me up until ten anyway. Just enough time to finish the beer.

But upstairs it was still humid, and sleep would be difficult.

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