Tuesday 9 August 2022

Don't panic. Panic

Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson is Prime Minister for the next four weeks at least, so you would think he would like to make this last summer of power memorable. But instead he had a wedding party and then went on holiday.

A spokesperson has refused to say who paid for his family's holiday villa.

I guess we will be able to narrow it down when his list of resignation "honours" is published.

But, when pressed about the impending cost of living crisis in October and January, Johnson said it was the PM following him to sort out.

Meanwhile those two are currently engaged in a Battle Royale and reminding us of those disaterous policies that the Tories have had for the last twelve years, that have brought us here.

Johnson could get Sunak and Truss together and they agree, er, a plan, but that would be too sensible.


So, when Truss, or Sunak, becomes Leader of the Tories and then PM, she, or he, will have less than six weeks to come with a plan.

Three months later, the energy cap will increase to neary £4,400 a year, up from £1,200 just nine months before. Most will not be able to pay.

One person not paying their energy bill is one thing, but millions doing it is another, and the whole house of cards totters.

The main driver for inflation is energy. Energy provision is in the realm of the UK Government, energy companies have grown rich on selling us our own energy. In some cases selling our energy elsewhere because it was more profitable.

This could be changed.

Should be changed.

Meanwhile Truss is talking about giving us back some tax money with her left hand that her right hand will take from us.

Winter is coming.

Tax cuts are all well and good for those who pay taxes. The unemployed, the sick, the disabled, carers, single mothers, poorly paid, part time workers, don't pay taxes. Tax cuts will benefit those who pay tax, and benefit more those who pay more taxes.

Even then, a £400 tax break spread over 12 months won't help you pay a £500 fuel bill for January.

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