Saturday 6 August 2022

Friday 5th August 2022

So, we have made it again. To the weekend. Or nearly there.


Bin day.

Jools leaves early to do yoga. I put the bins out, put the bird seed out and make a second coffee, so that come quarter to seven, I was all ready for work, and setting up the office. This is to be the last day, really, of the great holiday, as my boss and the guy I am working alongside in my main task, get back to the office.

So, next week, there will be lots of meetings, lots of tasks, and deadlines.

I like deadlines. I like the noise they make as the approach.

Or something.

I have gone out butterfly hunting four days out of five, or something close to that, and my back decide that it would tell me I had a touch of sciatica, so no walk. But I had my phone in my pcket, and I did nearly 4,000 steps doing stuff that I do every day, so not as lazy as I might have thought.

Two hundred and seventeen So, I do the usual end of work tasks, upload latest versions of works in progress, and put on some music.

Breakfast is fruit, but for the first time I went into the garden to pick the first crop of raspberries to go with the grapefruit, and very sweet they were.

The day drags on, and so I warm up the wild garlic sausages that I had cooked the day before, eating those with another fried slice and a brew.

And at one, with not an awful lot of stuff had happened, I logged off, and packed away the office. I took WSC onto the patio to read, but found myself nodding off in the warm sunshine, so I went for a laydown on the sofa. I might had nabbed half an hours of zeds.

Nimbo Cumulos Jools comes back, we have coffee.

Somehow it was five, and there was the music quiz to prepare for at six, chat with the usual faces and see if I could solve the riddle. THis time, I didin't. So, once that finished we hightailed it over to Whitfield for an evening of cards with Jen, John and Sylv.

But first some supper.

After chicken nuggets and chips, we play single game of meld, which went on to quarter past nine, and even then the final game was a draw, but as I had the lowest points total, they let me take the pot.

Outside it was dark, and the half-full moon hung in the sky.

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