Thursday 11 August 2022

Wednesday 10th August 2022

Hump Day.

This week feels like a long slog.

With the thought of high temperatures again the weekend, sleep becomes hard to come by, and so increases the risk of migraines day on day.

We slept through the alarm by 20 minutes, which gave Jools just half an hour to get ready before going to the pool for her swim.

I barely am capable of speech, and yet there she goes to do some phys.

I put the bird seed out, top up the ponds and bird baths.

Damn, it's already hot.

The guy I'm working with on my project, Mark, is back after three weeks off, and we have the big update meeting during the morning, where they don't agree that I have completed the tasks I closed.

Two hundred and twenty two Sigh.

And then came the Q2 results telecast. Sorry, webcast.

Metrics are improving, but not by as much as hoped. The pressue is on to deliver my project now before the end of the year. As long as its scope isn't changed at the last minute.

Which can happen.

Of course.

I had another bowl of the chilli with lots of soured cream to cool it down, making it bearable.

There's not really much more to tell.

Work continued until half three, at which point I logged off and put the computer away. And went to sit in the garden, as the shadow from the parasol meant it cooler than in the morning.

I prepared dinner, just fishcakes with corn and noodles, which was pretty good.

Le gros fromage dans le ciel I watched some football in the evening, only to eb called by Jools to look out the back at the rising moon, all yellow and nearly full moon.

I took shots.

It was still hot.

Too hot for sleeping.

But we had to try.

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