Monday 15 August 2022

Latest from the UK

Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, the Prime Minister, said he would carry on leading the country as his party elects a new leader to replace him.

In reality, he has gone on a foreign holiday for the second time in three weeks, as he was photographed selecting items a lickspittle would place in a basket for him in a Greek supermarket.

Apparently he can fulfil his duties as PM from a villa in Greece but you can't do your job of odering paperclips unless you are in the office.

Remember, Dominic Raab was able to carry on as Foreign Secretay whilst staying at an exclusive resort on Cyprus a year ago this week as the British Army struggled to keep Kabul airport open to get nationals out.

Those Afgans who helped the UK Government and military were left behind, and some have been trying to reach the UK via the Channel.

Speaking of which, 70% of those crossing the Channel are granted aslylum either on their first application or on first appeal. So, 70% of those attempting the crossing could be avoided by screening in France.

But cruelty.

Of course.

Thousand of Indonesians have been drafted in to work on UK farms to make up the shortfall in EU workers, getting themselves in debt in doing so with gangleaders.

But freedom.

Meanwhile both Truss and Sunak have not come up with a reasonable plan to deal with the cost of living crisis for 5.5 million UK households, and instead target issues that appeal to their headbanger grass roots: more brexit, harsher treatment of immigrants and less rights for all.


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