Sunday 28 February 2021

8 weeks

Friday saw the beginning of the ninth week of Brexit. I mean, undiluted hard Brexit.

And so far, if you didn't know where to look, there has been little effect.

There have been no queues at Dover of the Tunnel, no real shortages in the shops, though we have noticed some tins of food have shrunk in size, while others have more "gravy" in the cat's food.

But for the most part.

Sheelfish exporters have been decimated, and there is the ongoing issues with the NI border, but for Britain, few issues.

However, at the end of March, further checks will be phased in, and freight levels are expected to pick up. And Michael Gove will have been replaced by Sir David Frost, and we shall see if that brings in a more hardline attitude from London.

But the DUP and ERG are still demanding the NIP be scrapped or abolished by Johnson, but as far as the ERG are concerned, they voted for it, and announced that their "star chamber" of lawyers had proclaimed it satisfied their definition of sovereignty.

Well, for eight weeks.

The EU will not offer any more concessions, unless it benefits them, and after being worn out by five years of talks, why restart just weeks are Brexit was said to be done?

Why indeed.

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