Thursday 11 February 2021

Slow Brexit

We are now into what, the seventh week of Brexit?

And it is not going well.

Though the PM and other Ministers are mostly in denial, at least Govey has admitted some of the issues are more than teething problems. Though for the most part, there is little being reported as to the issues, other than fishing and the music industry, that has made big news.

But above what we have so far reported on, it seems that Amazon, in supplying customers in NI are now avoiding the GB "landbridge, and are using the Ireland to France super ferries, which have seen services increase 500%. This is business lost from Welsh and Scottish ports and ferries.

So far, so bad.

But Amsterdam has now overtaken London as being the premier business trading centre in Europe. There were warnings, but these were ignored.

The UK has gone from the 3rd biggest trading destination for Germany to the sixth, and soon Poland will take even that place.

It seems that German car makers really are not coming to the rescue.

Yesterday, Maroš Šefčovič, wrote to Mr Gove, politly but firmly (in diplomatic speak) that the UK signed up to the NI Protocol and the TRC and last December siad it would work towards making both work. Meanwhile he was also remoned by the EU of his terms of reference and that there was no moving on the EU's red Lines unless there was the clear backing from each member state's capitals.

UK supermarkets in EU member states have not been supplied since December, and most are to close, even the Paris branch of M&S. Some are seeking to be supplied via Ireland in order to sell something, like bacon. Which we mostly get from Denmark.

Through the year more rules and compliance are to be brought it, on fresh food from April, making the importing even slower, have more red tape and be more expensive. Expect salad produce and early fruit to be among the first shortages.

The rightwing rag, The Torygraph is reporting today that half of UK exporters are suffering from a "Brexit nightmare". Surprising its only 50% to be honest.

Remember, that most of the damage is being down to British and UK businesses. The EU is suffering, but only 16% of exports come here, while 50% of UK's go to the EU. Quite simply, we need them more than they need us.

The very people who said they loved our country, my country, are doing it irrepairable damage, and in the process making most of us worse off, taking away our rights and reducing our life choices. While those of us who fought against Brexit because of the damage we, quite rightly, believed would do to the country that we love are called remoaners and traitors.

How in the fuckity fuck does that work?


I forgot, former "Labour" MP, Kate "Catherine" Hoey, who six weeks ago was crowing about the Brexit deal having been done is now complaining about the damage Brexit is doing to NI. Shouldn't she, as a leading Brexiteer, fucking thought of that bfore campaigning for the fucking thing?

I mean, who does she want to blame on that one? Is it the one person who oversaw the negotiation of the NI Protocol in his oven ready deal, or shall I just assume that its our fault, the fucking remoaners?

Please, Kate, do tell.

And no, you can't get out or renegotiate the Protocl, not without breaking an internatioal treating or with the approval of the EU.

How's that for fucking taking back control?????

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