Tuesday 23 February 2021

Monday 22nd February 2021

Whatever I may say in the following post, 24 hours later, I was fine.

Firing on all cylinders, and driving at 300mph, as usual.

On Sunday, when I had my jab, the doctor told me that 50% of people are fine, 50% get side effects. And as Jools got none, that should have warned me.

Anyway, I slept well, and woke fine.

Though it was too early.

Still dark.

But warm.

Anyway, Jools was up first, I followed, and had coffee sitting at the table, but within half an hour I was beginning to feel rough.

Jools went to work, and already felt like going back to bed.

At seven, I logged on, sent a message to my boss telling him I was feeling shit, and would take the morning off to see how things went.

I went to bed. Lay under the covers, shivering.

Other than lying like a dead man, I was getting cramp, otherwise I just ached.

At midday I got up, had a shower. That didn't improve things, and once dressed, I logged back onto work for my boss to tell me to take the day off. But we had a meeting at two, I said I would attened as it was important.

Fifty three I lazed around, getting colder and colder. I drank coffee and tea, but ate nothing.

At two we had the meeting, which went well, but as soon as it finished, I went back to bed, when the worse hit. I lay like a block of ice, my feet the worse.

Dinner was simple, fishcakes in rolls. I asked my stomach and enquired if it was ready for food. It replied that what could be the worse that could happen.

As it happened, food was fine. I felt a little better and warmed up. But overall, like I had been runover by an angry bus.

We went to bed at eight, me cuddled up around Cleo.

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