Wednesday 3 February 2021

A story of three people

This might upset a few people, but here goes:

Yesterday, a 100 year old WWII veteran, Sir Captain Tom Moore died of COVID. He is making the news here in UK because last year, he raised between 33,000,000 and 39,000,000, depending on which newspaper your read or believe, for the NHS.

A remarkable achievement, and one to celebrate, and something made him a national figure and hero.

That he felt he had to, after a decade of cuts and unserfunding by the party currently in power, is not mentioned. Just that he did. I mean, we all do what we feel we have to.

But the very Ministers, many of who were in Cameron's and May's Governments, who voted and cheered for ccuts tot he NHS, numbers of doctors and nurses, line up to laud Captan Tom with platitudes. Without mentioning their part in why had had to do it.

Meanwhile, Diana Mary "Dido" Harding, Baroness Harding of Winscombe aks Dido Harding, has managed to spend £12 billion pounds on track and trace that still doesn't work and its failure will extend the COVID crisis for many months longer than it should. That is has been such an abject failure means it is hardly ever mentioned in political circles, or in newsprint, the money spaffed against the wall on seven grand a day external contractors.

Captain Tom wouldn't pay for many of those.

And Dominic Cummings was given a £100 BILLION pound budget for "Operation monnshot", speedy COVID testing,t hat also seems to have gone quiet

. And then the Government spent untold billion on PPE of mostly dodgy quality from companies set up in double quick time, in such quantities that over 30 supplies of medial coveralls were bught, which have a shelf life of three years.

THe money Captain Tom will come in handy to cover that.

And you know, that once CIVID is over, that the NHS and public sector workers, and those on benefits who will have to pay for all this spaffing on a grand scale.

Some things never change.

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