Sunday 14 February 2021

Saturday 13th February 2021


So bloody cold.

We had the heating on low all night, but the wind was strong enough to open the cat flap, allowing gale force sub-zero winds into the house, leaving a layer of ice cold air at carpet level all day.

The gale force winds was due to ease in the afternoon, but temperatures would not climb above minus three all day.

As if mocking the cold, the sun shone brightly from a clear blue sky all day, and was proceeded by the most stunning dawn and sunrise, best viewed from behind the double glazing.

I went out as far as the bins, and the bird feeders to fill them up.

No further.

Watching the birds gives us a rare pleasure in these days of Pestilence. There is no going out, no churchcrawling, no visiting pubs or restaurants, no going to football. None of it.

Forty four It is what it is. And there is nothing we can do to change it. For the time being, we survive, survive on the hope of better days and times to come. No matter how far in the future that might be.

For today, we listen to the radio, I write. Jools cleaned the cooker, did beading. And then there was football to watch.

I cooked chorizo hash for lunch, we ate well, then cleared up.

I watch the Palace v Burnley game on TV whilst listening to Radio 5 and keeping an eye on Norwich's game via Twitter. Burnely cruise to a 3-0 win, and Norwich to a 4-1 win. THe wheels are back on the bus.

I watch Citeh v Spurs into the evening. Spurs were dull, one dimensional, like their manager, really, and Citeh win 3-0.

We end the evening by playing Uckers, I win, but just.

Outside the wind howled under a clear sky, stars shone like jewels against a black velvet sheet.

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