Friday 5 February 2021

Thursday 4th February 2021

I have just written the almost complete blog, sneezed, hit the keyboard, and it was gone.


Here I go again.

Day four of the IT omnishambles, where I hope to gain access to my new employer's IT systems, if IT can fix the issue.

There was no early meeting, so I could go for another early walk. So, once we were up, had coffee and fed the cats. I got dressed, put on my boots and grabbed my camera, all ready to go. On the way to the factory, Jools dropped me off outside the old Red lIon with the illuminated cross on the church, and the half full waning moon lighting my way.

The drop off I turn my back to the church and head out along Kingsdown Road, past the cars parked on the pavements, and through the pools of light at each road junction of lonely lamps, shining just for me.

The second early morning walk Once out of the village, it was still almost dark, but away to the south east, dawn was lighting the edge of clouds, and turning the black sky a very dark blue. It was dark enough so that the lane ahead lay in deep shadow, almost black, meaning the brave early wild flowers would go unseen, for now. But each passing week, dawn would get ten minutes earlier.

The second early morning walk I reached the top of Norway Drove, and turned down The Dip. THe track was wet, and slippery where the chalk mixed with rain to create something as slippery as grease. I took my team and got down without falling.

The second early morning walk At the bottom, what looked like a pnd was a mud bath, with just enough room to edge past it on a strip of grass without getting my feet wet.

The second early morning walk Up the other side, past the three sheep in the small paddock by Fleet House, one gently bleating out a greeting to the risng sun.

I walked along Collingwood rather than tackle the mud across the field, and as I reached the first of the houses, the sun borkke over the horizon, shining briightly before moving behind the clouds.

Thirty five From there it was five minutes to home, where I get back at half seven, just enough time to make a frech coffee before starting work, where I hoped my four day IT omnishambles would come to an end.

After logging on, there was no news.

We have a meeting in order to answer a question, but turns out we have questions of our own.

At half eleven, IT get back to me; no news.

But could I send them a screen shot of the message I get when logging on. And because I had been following instructions before, I realised I had missed a hyperlink marked "pross here if the above doesn't work".

I pressed it and it said to enter my phone number to get a code.

I type in my phone number and I get a text.

I enter the code, and I am in. Into a bright digital future. Although most systems are still out of reach as IT systems are told of our presence.

Which meand I could join the latest department meeting using my new corporate identity. No one notices.


But I am in and manage to merge my two outlook accounts into one inbox. I did follow instructions if I am being honest.

But the stress of the week and not sleeping so well means that by half three or so, I could feel a headache building, so I log off and go to make soup.


I make curried butternut squash, but it comes out perfectly seasoned and spiced, and is not too runny, not too thick. Just perfect.

I server it with slices of fresh bread I made earlier, smothered in slightly salted French butter.


We wash up, make a brew and relax for the evening.

I watch a video of a train crossing from Belgrade to Srebrenicia, passing through NOvi Sad, where one of my ex-wives was born. I won't hold it against the city, looks nice enough.

And at the same time, I keep track of the Chelsea v Spurs game, which Shelski wins 1-0, and the Chosen One becomes the Losing One. Again.

So it goes, so it goes.

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