Friday 26 February 2021

Thursday 25th February 2021

Ten months to Christmas.

Spring arrived.

I mean it crashed through the door and made itself at home on the sofa, after emptying your fridge of special beer.

Another golden dawn Let us hope its hear to stay.

Work now begins at seven, this is so can with a clear concince finish work and hour earlier, it also means I work the same hours as my boss and colleagues in Denmark.

Summer's here I should have gone for a walk. I told JOols I would go later in the day, but would I?

Jools made coffee, then got dressed and went for a walk. I made a second coffee and got ready for work.

At least training had finished, meanig I could do actual work, if the IT worked. It hasn't so far.

Big news in the neighbourhood has been the purchase, apparenty for the old bungalow two doors down, it will mostly be knocked down and rebuilt. Dover's former mayor has bought it, he got planning permission, odd that. Anyway, on Wednesday workment removed the hedge at the bottom of the garden, and have combined the bungalow's garden with the paddock he owned already at the bottom, where an "eco-house" is to be built, low enough not to ruin our views, apparently.

So all day chainsaws growled,a nd chippers chipped the remainder of the old trees and ivt bushes. For a time, views have opened out from the back of the house looking across The Dip to Kingsdown. The sun no longer rises partially hidden behind an ancinet tree, as the tree is literally history.

Back to work, though I would rather be outside, but there is serious stuff afoot, with calls and meetings, secret stuff, so Mum's the word.

I do find time to bake a loaf so I have something to eat for lunch, in fact I have a freshly cut, thickly buttered crist for elevenses along with a brew as I have another meeting. It keeps my concentration up, I tell myself.

Daffodil By one in the afternoon, and almost constant sitting either being in meetings or phone calls, and i am pooped.

I have a brew, and reflect on a day of lobbing grenades over fences, making a huge noise.

Petasites pyrenaicus I take the laptop to the sofa and watch Only Connect.

Primula vulgaris At three, I put on my shoes and take myself for a walk, checking on the grassed path between our street and Collingwood. There were primroses and Red Deadnettle already in flower and looking good. I take a macro shot of the nettle, and the flowers are wonderful, like little orchid flowers, but with hairy wigs on.

Fifty six Along Collingwood to Fleet House, and back across the fields to home. And once final check of the mails and i am done for the day. It was four, and I needed a coffee.

A late afternoon walk Dinner was to be key line shimp tortillas with chipotle peppers and a side of refried beans.

A late afternoon walk It all take just 15 minutes to prepare and cook, by which time Jools was home.

By the time we were done, we had sticky hands and stains on our shirts, but it was good food, and nearly too spicy to eat. Nearly.

We wasted nothing.

And that was it.

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