Tuesday 2 February 2021

All back to the border

Michael Gove has called on the EU to come up with solutions to the NI border. A problem that as a leading member of Vote Leave and then as a member of May and Johnson's Cabonets set, agreed and ratified the very WA and TCA that created the very problem we have now.

There will be calls to scrap border controls between Britain and NI, which might fix one problem, but will create many more.

The NI Protcol which was needed to ensure how this regulatory border would operate is the failsafe if everything else fails. Thing is, this is not part of the trade deal, the TCA, but of the WA itslef, an international treaty.

Breaking this would be very bad indeed.

But Gove, Johnosn et al, agreeing to something they did not understand or intended to break is the very definition of bad faith.

As I always have said, there were three simple choices for the border, each with heavy political prices. The one on the NO Protocol was the better of the two NI border solutions; one would anger the Republican side, this angers to Loyalist side. Odd then that JOhnson chose this as the DUP supported May and him stronger than some actual Conservative MPs, and then he rewarded them by throwing them and NI being part of the Untion overboard.

THe GFA was a great solution to complex and deep rooted issues, we are heading to a situation where much of the reconciliation of the GFA is being undone, and I don't know if that could be put together again. Brexiteers, Vote Leave and Johnson were warned not to mess with the status quo, and yet they did.

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