Saturday 6 February 2021

Zero lessons learned.

With the daily death rates falling, though you have to look at the rolling 7 day average to see the fall at the moment because the sheer number of deaths is eyewateringly dreadful. Some 1,014 died yesterday, or nealyy 19 Hillsboroughs. But that rolling seven day average reveals a fall of 17.8%, which is a real cause of optomism.

And yet, showing that many in the Government and ERG/CRG learned nothing from last May, are already pushingfor schools and colleges opening at the beginning of March, along with pubs (though not selling booze) in April, and a general back to work.

I can remember writing back in May and JUne how Government KPIs on COVID, showing that the virus wasn't under as much control as needed, we ignored to reopen the economy. On top of that, encouraging or even bribing people to drink in pubs and eat in restaurants in July and August ensured that airborne transmission continued.

Even through September and October, the Government was threatening people with unemployment if they did not go back to the office, even as infections and the R rate climbed back upwards.

No one saw the second wave coming, so said Dido Harding as just about the only person with this view. Such a shame then that she was head of the UK, not NHS, track and trace, so saw no need in increasing testing and tracing capacity. It caught her by total surprise.

I am no expert, but I was writing about a second wave in the autumn as long ago as Spring, so maybe i should take her job?

Right now, as the effects of the lockdown are being seen in data across the country, this is no time to take our collective feet off the brakes. Now, more than ever, we need to continue to isolate, to be careful, keeping infections and transmissions down. Doubly so as more than ten million now have the first vaccine jab, and not to do this would risk vaccine resiliant mutations evolving.

But, you know, with all the mistakes taken during COVID and Brexit, I am expecting this Goverment of idiots to snatch defeat and a thrid wave from the jaws of victory. At least I can say, I didn't vote for them.

And cheerleading them on, is Fleet Street, with many papers today suggesting summer holidays, drinking in pubs and a return to normal.

Quite frankly, we get what we deserve, and in not learning from past fuck ups, we will be enjoying a third wave come the summer.

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